Senin, 03 Desember 2012

sample screenplay

Next to Love Clapping Hands

Romi: The story begins on the second day MOS. Initially everything was just normal - normal, but after she came everything changed. Oh yes, my name is Romi, dah my age reaches 15 years. Now I sit on a bench in high school.

Scane 1: In the Hall of the school

Khaerul: Good morning all ...
Andi: This morning also, how many balloons carrying ta sob?
Khaerul: Jeez, forgot ka also bring sob.
Romi: Quiet maki sob, I take a lot ji ditas
Andi and Khaerul: Can I get one?
Romi: Boo,,, clear noodles

Scane 2: Then a beautiful girl came to greet them all three.

Arni: Listen - hear lots of balloons ta take it, can ask one karna ka ka forgot to bring the balloon.
Romi: iye, many ji I take, I take tungguh nahc first ..
Romi: This ...
Arni: Ma love ..
Romi: Sama - equal
Arni: Oh yeah,, I might know a guy who's name ta?
Romi: if I Romi, we?
Arni: Arni, Greetings
Khaerul: Love knows ki je also Rom
Romi: Oh yes,, this is my friend, Andi ma Khaerul
Arni: Hmmm ... I know that Andi karna ji ji's neighbor.
Andi: Hehehe
Khaerul: Greetings
Arni: Greetings. Oh yes, Perga ka ma first friend - my friend.
Once again thanks for the balloon.
Romi: Oh yes, the same - the same

Scane 3: Eat dikanting School

Romi: Andi, ass girl was sob your house?
Andi: Oh .. Arni? Three home before my CEZ. Kenapa'i?
Romi: nope jie, ask Jeka new kahc ka also know says
there are close to your house pale ta age
Andi: Oh .. ki also recently moved sob, no mi 1 week. Kenapa'i kahc?
Romi: nope ji, ask Jeka
Andi: Cahc, I think there kedo heart - kedo ni.
Romi: Ah,, Random na,,
Andi: ciee,, red cheeks
Romi: Aitz .. Already mi deh,, this balloon
Andi: Ok,, thanks nah,,

Scane 4: Round School

Arni: We tohc Romi, who love ka last balloon.
Romi: Iye, kenapa'i?
Arni: Once again thanks nah.
Romi: hehehe,,, same - the same
Arni: Oh yes,, Just who ki home?
Romi: Self ji, we are yah?
Arni: Alone ji too, where the ta Romi?
Romi: Near the house ji also Andi, just when I was near
Arni: Oh ... if so at maki Paen
Romi: Aits ... fear ka
Arni: Why Fear ki?
Romi: Later on there were angry.
Arni: hehehe,,, any na. Nope there jie.

Romi: I do not know why my heart is pounding - pounding when close to him. Is this perceived when we love someone? Was cool being with him.

Scene 5: At school

Romi: When I want to shoot him but why did he have to be taken by someone else. That person is not someone else but that person was my best friend that Khaerul. At first I was angry but what power he ma she can only smile with Khaerul. I just can mengikhlaskan departure with my best friend

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