Kamis, 22 November 2012



 Moon is a satellite of the earth, and therefore the moon around the earth.
Ø Circulation moon around the earth due to attractive forces between the Earth and the moon are called gravity.

ROTATION MONTH month rotation on its axis is the velocity of the month. Once a month round while taking 24 hours to circle around the Earth, the moon takes 27.3 days.When the moon is between the earth and the sun, the moon facing the earth will be dark because the moon is closer kematahari, this phase is called the new moon.The full moon is the moon shining bright as all parts of the moon facing the earth gets sunlight.
 There are two types of months are recognized by astronomers:
Øa) Month sinodisNew moon phase next new moon 29.5 daysb) Sidereal MonthNew Sidereal orbital period 27.5 days. Sidereal month period where almost two days shorter than a month sinodis.

  SUN MOON & eclipse eclipseLunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between the moon and the sun. Where's the sun, the earth, the moon lies in a straight line. At that time it was not getting sunlight because it was blocked by the earth.Solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon, earth lies in a straight line, the moon will cover the sun during a solar eclipse takes place.A solar eclipse can occur only:1) When the moon is at new moon2) When the moon is near one of the nodes of its orbit.
There are three types of solar eclipses: total solar eclipse
Ø ring solar eclipseØ partial solar eclipseØThere are four types of lunar eclipses:: total lunar eclipseØThis lunar eclipse occurs when the maximum of the eclipse, the entire moon into the shadow of the core / Earth's umbra, the eclipse is called a total lunar eclipse. This total lunar eclipse can reach a maximum duration of more than 1 hour 47 minutes Some lunar eclipseØThis eclipse occurs when the Moon are entered into the Earth's umbra, and some are in the shadow of additional / penumbra Earth at its maximum phase, the eclipse is called partial lunar eclipse Total penumbral lunar eclipseØThis lunar eclipse occurs when the moon entered the penumbra at maximum phase. But no part of the Moon goes into the umbra or not covered by the penumbra. In cases like this, we call eclipses month total penumbral lunar eclipse. Some penumbral lunar eclipseØAnd the eclipse of the moon this last type, if only a part of the Moon that enters penumbra, the eclipse of the moon is called a lunar eclipse penumbral portion.
At the time of a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse shadow menbentuk two, namely: Umbra
vUmbra is the image formed by the earth and moon-shaped or cone. Umbra is a dark room that is not exposed to light at all. penumbravPenumbra is a blur that was around umbra. Penumbra is an area rather vague because they hit a bit of light.Contact Time & Phase lunar eclipseThe moment of the eclipse the Moon sorted by order of occurrence: P1vP1 is the contact I penumbral, when the Moon intersects the disc outside the Earth's penumbra. P1 marks the beginning of the lunar eclipse as a whole. P2vP2 is the second contact penumbral, when the Moon discs intersect in the Earth's penumbra. When P2 occurs, the entire disc is in the disc Month penumbra of the Earth. P3vP3 is the third contact penumbral, when the Moon disc back in contact with the Earth's penumbra. P3 is the opposite of P2. P4vP4 was IV penumbral contact, when the moon disc back out to intersect Earth's penumbra. P4 is the opposite of P1, and marked the end of a lunar eclipse event as a whole.
Based on this contact times, events lunar eclipse through these phases: Phase penumbral eclipse: interval between P1-U1, and the U4-P4
v umbral eclipse phase: interval between U1-U4v Phase total: interval between U2-U3.v
vU1 is the contact I umbra, which is when the Moon intersects the disc outside the Earth's umbra. U2vU2 is the second contact umbra, which is currently in the disk of the Moon intersects Earth's umbra. U2 marked the beginning of the total phase of the eclipse of the moon. U3vU3 is the third contact umbra, the Moon is when the disc returned to intersect the Earth's umbra, the Moon right when the disc will start to leave the umbra of the Earth. U3 marking the end of the total phase of the eclipse of the moon. U4vU4 is contact IV umbra, which is when the Moon disc back out to intersect Earth's umbra. From the pictures of the spacecraft, in the form of his countenance was not flat and smooth, as seen from Earth.v moon shape faces made up of mountains, craters, valleys, and the sea.Moon has no atmosphere (air), so there is no life on the moon; temperature on the moon can be fickle; temperature of the lunar surface exposed to the sun can reach 110 C, while the parts that are not exposed to sunlight can reach -137 C; sound can not propagate on the moon, because there is no substance in intermediate (medium) propagation of sound, namely air, on the moon there is no cycle of water, the sky was black dark months.

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